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Acid rock drainage

Acid Rock Drainage at Amulsar

The first time Lydian Armenia mentioned the acid drainage and the ARD managegement at Amulsar area was in 2012 and publicly spoke about it in 2013.  

Acid rock drainage is a widely spread and manageable problem that is specific to mining, in Armenia as well. In case of the Amulsar Project, the drainage is relatively mild. The most optimal Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) management plan was outlined by the Company in the Amulsar Project EIA and ESIA published in 2014-2016.

 Acid Rock Drainage Management at the Amulsar   

The barren rock that does not bear valuable metals will go to barren rock storage facility (BRSF). The ore in Amulsar is oxidized and there is no risk at heap leach facility. There may be potential for acid rock drainage in the BRSF since a part of rock is potentially acid generator. This issue is common in many mines around the world. However, the risk is manageable with modern approach and technologies. Potential acid generating rocks will be encapsulated by non-acid generating rocks to minimize penetration of precipitation. Besides, pipeline covered with clay layer will be installed under the BRSF to ensure natural flaws do not contact with the BRSF. This is the non-contact water, which does not come into contact with the mine infrastructure. This water will flow to the natural environment without contacting project infrastructure. Any other water which may contact the mine for example snowmelts on the BRSF, will be diverted through special drainage systems, will be caught into specially designed ponds, and used in production process. If water generates in the pits, it will be pumped into the production process. 

